High precision lowbush blueberries pickers to harvesters & built by hand.

Our blueberries machines are designed to be effective in all terrain conditions.

All harversters have an adjustable combs height, a very effective cleaner that goes under the comb's teeth and special teeth that do not break the legs of blueberries. To ease the adjustment of the height of the comb; a simple and robust mechanism was integrated into the picker.

Keep blueberries inside the bucket to each of your movements, thereby reducing waste and increasing profitability of the machine.

60" picker rotating view

Discover a unique product allowing the teeth to pick up almost all the blueberries, without damaging the crops while still providing a product of very good quality.

Available sizes

Compatible with majors
brands of tractors

Our blueberry picking machines are compatible with many brands of tractors and guarantee you of the best quality at a very high speed. Whatever your picking volume, you will find a product that meets your needs and your equipment.

Our blueberry pickers are distributed in Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and soon in Maine.

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